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July 15, 2009
Allegations are very common in Film Industry.Sneha expressed her opinion on film industry. People who are in glamour industry are sure to hit with allegations on them. When you to faced similar allegation how did you react? sneha replied that when she was starring for a flick she met with accident and admitted in hospital,even during at that time there were allegations on her. Even after that there were many rumors on me which were baseless, But sneha never cared for any allegations.She says if you are in cinema industry you must face all the gossips around.
Sneha shared her thoughts on what she does before going to bed, she does prayer is something mandatory for her and though she has the habit of writing a diary it is not like an everyday thing but when she does, she writes about the criticism she faced, what went right and what went wrong.
Most importantly, a must activity of Sneha is that she consumes a glass of hot water before she goes to bed.