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December 09, 2009
Rakhi Sawant goes chic
Rakhi Sawant has bid good bye to her fringes and is sporting a Rihanna type look now. Rakhi Sawant in collaboration with iShQ Bector will feature in the title track of his album Jhagde. ishQ says, “Rakhi Sawant, known for her bold and brazen personality attracting mass appeal, will now be seen in a completely classy, upmarket trendy look and style.We’re taking her cattiness to the next level.”Rakhi Sawant in her latest style flaunts boy-cut hair, funky tops and hot pants. Rakhi will bee seen blowing punches to ishQ bector in the video.Rakhi says, “If ishQ thinks he will get away with the jhagde, he’s sorely mistaken. Even with a hip look, I can beat the Hip Hopper black and blue in any boxing match.”
I’ll marry soon : Salman Khan

Salman Khan has always avoided talks about his marriage. Salman who is going to turn 44 on 27th December recently remarked that he will tie the knot soon.
During a recent visit to Indore, Salman was asked by media reporters about his marriage plans.Salman replied back , “Very soon.”
When Salman was quizzed how soon, he remained silent.