Remember those Lindsay Lohan t*pless pictures from Muse magazine? This is the closest we will come to seeing Lindsay Lohan doing STUFF, this year. So lets look forward to 2010 because we will live to see her giving us a more steamy video.
Anyway, I hear she is in India saving children and running the price of cocaine up. What has India done to deserve Lindsay Lohan? She claims she has saved 40 lives since arriving in India on December 9. Where she is making a documentary about the trafficking of women and children for the BBC. She went for a documentary about child trafficking, but then got a little over exuberant in a series of posts on her Twitter page, in which she appeared to boast about her (non-existent) role in the actual raid that rescue the children:
“Over *40 children saved* so far…… Within one day’s work…… This is what life is about….. Doing THIS is a life worth living!!!” she said.
She later added: “Focusing on celebrities and lies is so disconcerting, when we can be changing the world one child at a time…. hope everyone can see that.”
But perhaps the raids, involved two months of planning by local police and magistrates, to rescue children as young as seven who were making mirrored ornaments for export in workshops in central New Delhi. And according to the charity Bachpan Bachao Andolan, which organized the raid, neither Lohan nor the BBC, were present at the time of the raids.
However, just enjoy her recent exclusive pics, and hope these celebrities just doesnt say, but really be present on certain sensitive causes and issues, to help mankind.

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