Ramya Nambesan while interacting with the media said,” I have acted in family roles in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films. I never selected these roles.
It came on itself. Because of this there is news that I am not willing to do glamour roles. I am also ready to act in glamour roles provided I get a good story and character. I like to act in pucca colorful commercial Tamil film.
We can also act like the heroes. I increased my weight by 5 kgs for doing a village girl role. After completing this film I reduced by weight by 2 kgs. If you have the right diet and proper exercise, your body will listen to you.”
It came on itself. Because of this there is news that I am not willing to do glamour roles. I am also ready to act in glamour roles provided I get a good story and character. I like to act in pucca colorful commercial Tamil film.
We can also act like the heroes. I increased my weight by 5 kgs for doing a village girl role. After completing this film I reduced by weight by 2 kgs. If you have the right diet and proper exercise, your body will listen to you.”
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